Submission deadline
January 22, 2021
Conference date
February 19, 2021
Call for Participation
For C+J 2021, we are following the structure used by the American Statistical Association for its Joint Statistical Meetings (and shamelessly cribbed their submission criteria below). It is an open, inclusive proposal process. You are invited to submit either a single paper proposal or suggest an entire session. While we have tried to keep the process light, our program committee will be evaluating all submissions for addition to the symposium.
We will hope to attract both researchers and creators with some curiosity about journalism, as well as news organizations looking to expand their reporting capabilities or experiment with new ways to present stories — from our traditional audience of computing researchers and social scientists, to artists and digital humanities scholars, to historians, geographers and architects.
Talks and sessions might cover the “backstory” to a novel work of journalism, or a tool or method that could support new kinds of storytelling, or the description of a significant collaboration between journalists and some other field — the possibilities are endless.
The deadline for submissions has now passed.
If you are submitting a contributed talk, please include
- Your name, including affiliation and email address
- Talk Title
- Talk Abstract
If you are submitting a contributed session, please include
- Session Title
- Session Description. Please provide any of the following:
• Short description of session, including focus, content, timeliness, and appeal
• List of invited speakers/panelists, including affiliations and email addresses for each and tentative title for each presentation
• Format of session (e.g., chair, four speakers, and discussant) - Session organizer, including affiliation and email address
- Session chair, including affiliation and email address
- Discussant (if any), including affiliation and email address